Solving Integration Issues: How Custom Software Can… | Myth Digital

Solving Integration Issues: How Custom Software Can Unify Your Systems

Jen McCullough
Jen McCullough Updated 7 minutes read

Navigate through the operational chaos brought about by disjointed systems with custom software, ensuring operational harmony.

Running a business has many many bumps in the road (tell us about it!). Often clients come to us having patched those bumps with various solutions that are now burdensome to manage. Not only is it frustrating for your internal teams, but productivity suffers and, by knock-on effect, your business just can't run as efficiently or as cleverly as possible. Whether it’s brand reputation, customer satisfaction, delivery or revenue, all can be impacted by systems that are disjointed behind the scenes.

So, what’s the solution when you've got multiple systems that don’t get along? In this article, we’ll pose custom software development as the solution to these woes.

How do fragmented systems affect business?

Misalignment, miscommunication, process delays, and data silos all occur due to systems that do not integrate. Supply chains slow down and break up, marketing agencies struggle to juggle client data, and disjointed practices lead brands to poor customer service. Here are two examples that happened in the real world.

  1. Target’s expansion into Canada in 2013 resulted in significant operational challenges that ultimately resulted in the brand’s withdrawal completely from the Canadian market just two years later. The failure was due to a lack of communication between Target’s existing US-based systems and a new operational system implemented specifically for Canada.

  2. Boeing faced huge financial setbacks and reputational damage due to two tragic crashes of its 737 Max aircraft. The cause of these crashes was partly due to a lack of communication and integration between its flight control systems and sensor inputs.

  3. Our own client came to us with a dozen independent systems all working separately from each other. The had commercial plans to introduce B2C sales to their predominantly B2B model but the complex management of existing stock and sales systems was a huge challenge. By introducing a system that connected 8 out of 12 of those systems into one interface made the existing system much more efficient and was also scalable to include B2C sales with a unique order processing flow - all with the help of a custom built user interface

When essential systems fail to work together as expected, irreparable damage can occur.

The Hidden Costs of Disjointed Systems

From lost time to misallocated resources and reputation downfall, numerous costs are potentially just around the corner. For example, non-integrated CRM and ERP systems might withhold insights that would enhance customer service and increase sales. See the table below for examples of how businesses can be affected.


How it Happens

Operational downtime

  • Systems fail to communicate, which leads to data silos and delays.

  • Disruptions in one system is not communicated promptly to other systems (or at all), leading to downtime.

Resource allocation

  • No accurate view of resource allocation means failure to optimise resource sharing.

  • Misallocations lead to departments being overworked where others can pick up their burdens.

Financial losses

  • Inefficiencies lead to loss of sales.

  • Productivity is impacted, and additional expenses are incurred, such as overtime labour and expenses that compensate for disruptions.

Decreased team productivity

  • Extra time is spent managing tedious processes, navigating multiple systems, and lengthy training sessions.

  • Frustration among employees leads to decreased morale and higher turnover.

Impaired decision making

  • Outdated, disjointed, and incomplete data leads to missed opportunities and issues.

  • Decisions don’t take all information and insights into account and don’t reflect the true behaviour of the business.

Decline in customer satisfaction

  • Inefficiencies and disruptions lead to delays and poor services.

  • Lack of prompt and effective communication impacts reputation, leading to loss of customers.

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How can tailored software solutions create operational harmony?

Custom software is a digital solution that is tailor-made to a specific end for a specific client. No two are the same, as their intent is to meet the exact needs of the issue at hand. Custom software can act as a conduit for multiple operations within a business, designed to sync, streamline, and simplify. When made for the purpose of integrating disparate systems, a custom software solution will address precisely the pain points that multiple COTS platforms cannot avoid. The result? Smooth operational harmony in an otherwise chaotic business landscape.

Imagine a healthcare provider struggling with myriad different systems to provide patient care. It’s a seemingly impossible challenge to provide the optimal treatment plan when dealing with multiple platforms providing different information streams, all under the stress of an underfunded healthcare system.

A holistic custom solution unifies patient data, treatment plans, care reviews, appointment schedules, prescriptions, and billing for a fast, smooth, efficient, and error-free system.

Decision-Making with Integrated Data

When systems are properly integrated, businesses can make the best decisions because all the data is available to them. This allows for deeper insight and enhanced analytics that delve into the gritty details of the business. Decision-making based on data analysis and insights-based strategy is essential to any business's steady growth and success, so how can custom software assist in revealing these opportunities?

  • Unified data views that integrate multiple data streams for an all-encompassing perspective.

  • Automated data analysis using unique algorithms that detect patterns, trends, and anomalies in highly niche data sets.

  • Real-time data tracking and analysis for reactive decision-making.

  • Customised reports with intuitive data presentation to make understanding and communicating data and translating it into strategies easier.

  • Additional benefits like advanced predictive analysis, alerts, secure data handling, and compliance management.

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Custom Software for Bridging Workflow Gaps

How does custom software create a more productive environment by linking up different systems in a business? Operating under a holistic system naturally revitalises workflows. Here’s a breakdown of how holistic custom software systems have benefited different sectors.




Personalised shopping experiences, streamlined inventory management, and secure transaction processing.


Efficient patient management, secure data handling, and facilitating better treatment plans.


Secure, seamless, user-friendly digital solutions for customers. Intricate financial data management and insights-based strategies.


Tailored platforms and Learning Management Systems for remote working and learning, personalised learning plans, and streamlined admin.


Bespoke CRM and POS solutions enhance customer experiences, and inventory management is streamlined. Retailers gain better insights into sales trends and buyer behaviour.

Supply chain and logistics

Optimised inventory management, routing, and scheduling. Real-time data analysis to reactively improve and maintain service delivery.


Management and interpretation of big data. Providing highly tailored customer engagement.

Ensuring Compliance and Data Protection with Unified Systems

Improved data security through custom software development and alignment with relevant compliance and regulations is another big merit to unifying your systems in business. By centralising control, ensuring consistent application of security protocols, and reducing weak spots, your business will be significantly better protected.

Scaling and Adapting Operations with Custom Software

Tailored to the exact operational needs of a business, a unified system strategically positions it for scalable growth. Custom software is built to be adaptable to its unique end, making integration of additional modules a natural step throughout the business lifetime.

Off the shelf tools face a more complicated future in any business, some of which need to be scrapped after a while and others requiring manual compromises to adapt to growth. Starting anew is costly and labour-intensive. A custom solution is designed from the very start with the expectation of change and expansion, and there is no limit to how it can support your business growth strategies.

Remote Work and Flexibility

Remote and hybrid working are commonplace in the post-Covid world, and they’re here to stay. Where teams are dispersed geographically, company software needs to keep up with efficiency and practicality. The merging of several internal systems has clear benefits when it comes to progressive, flexible working models. Consolidating all of your processes, all logins, and all records into one place means your team can:

  • Use fewer steps to access systems (resulting in higher security)

  • Train new staff and learn systems easily

  • Share data and progress more clearly

Enhancing Client Relations through Integrated Systems

Thanks to a fully integrated system, your client relations are bolstered. Data points are amalgamated to give you a better view of factors like purchase history, preferences, interactions and cart abandonments. This amalgamated view helps elevate client satisfaction because you have a much clearer idea of how your business is being interpreted.

Integration of CRM, email marketing, customer support, and communication across every customer touchpoint means all team members can access the same information, promoting coherent interactions and facilitating swift problem resolution. Ultimately, this all leads to a more positive client or customer perception of the brand.

Fortify future operations with one holistic, unified system that allows your business to run smoothly, safely, efficiently, and limitlessly. We can help. We create custom solutions for businesses just like yours.

Jen McCullough
Jen McCullough