Our Myth Support Packages Explained

We are proud that our existing clients have been clients for a long time. We like to think it’s because of our charisma, but whatever the reason we’re glad they stick around. Our support team is built to offer a high level of service and we pride ourselves on this fact.
Once a project is complete several clients opt to avail of ongoing technical support from our team. We have a few non-obligatory support and help frameworks across all of our services for Software Development, Mobile App Development, Web Design and Ecommerce Development. Clients can choose either a framework to arrange ongoing support or they we can agree a custom option that meets their exact requirements.
You don't have to be an existing client for us to support your project. We have inherited a range of projects from clients moving away from their existing provider and can help support the process and ongoing support needs of the project.
What is Myth Help?
Myth Help is just what we call our support package service. We dislike the term SLA (Service Level Agreement) and try to avoid it whenever feasible. To us, it should be personal, not legal. Yes, there will be a legal document defining support and standards in place, but that is simply to safeguard both you and us.
Myth Help is a personalised support service we offer to clients post-project or clients that wish to move to us from their previous supplier. We offer the same service to all of our clients who are on a monthly package, none of our clients get preferential treatment.
To give you an x-ray view of how we handle our support, the following is a description of our procedure.
- Issue or question arises
- Client reports issue/question via Myth Hub, phone or email
- Our team escalate issue and assign priority of either: Question, Issue or Critical
- Our team work on the issue within the agreed support time depending on priority and report back to you when complete or if we require further information.
- Support is marked as resolved and archived in your Client Hub for future reference.
It's that simple. In addition to above, we hold daily support meetings and monthly support review meetings to have a look at client support packages.
What does it cover?
We provide monthly support packages that cover not only support time. To keep your software or website up to date, it will need to be maintained on a regular basis in order to ensure that any dependencies and third-party plugins are up to date and secure. A monthly support package with us would allow us to do so on a regular basis. Our support packages include but are not limited to:
- XX hours per month support time
- Monthly software and performance updates
- Hosting up-time and maintenance
- General consulting
We don't limit services
Many agencies fence off hours for support, restricting them to only be used for support services. We don't do this. You are billed for XX monthly hours, and you are free to utilise them however you want. Design, development, consulting, new features etc... we won't turn down a request if you have the time available. So go crazy and be creative, as we do not roll any over unfortunately.

Myth Help Options
We like to keep things simple and we keep that consistency across our services. You either pay for support within our framework, or you don't have to and can simply pay for ad-hoc support when it arises. Our monthly support packages do come with some additional benefits, including a reduced hourly rate and priority over ad-hoc requests.
Monthly Package - Clients avail of an agreed number of hours each month which guarantees the team is on hand to support any issues that may arise. The number of hours varies from client to client based on the project. The hours are changeable every quarter and reports are provided to give an overview of usage and need. If there are too many hours they can be reduced or cancelled at any time. Monthly packages are also offered at a reduced hourly rate than ad-hoc support.
Ad-hoc Support - Support can be availed of on an ad hoc basis. If something on your platform/website breaks or is causing issues, the client can lift the phone and we are on hand for advice and support at our standard hourly rate.
Myth Client Hub
All support issues and tickets can be raised via email or phone. However our preferred method of support issue raising, is via the Myth Client Hub. It was built to serve this very need, and has since been expanded into our full project management software.
The client hub outlines ongoing support needs, outstanding tickets, your monthly allowance and usage and the ability to download your support agreements and legal documents.

Can we support you?
If there is a project you feel we can support you on please get in touch. We are happy to discuss your project needs, regardless of whether you are an existing or previous client.