Why Use React Native Mobile App Development? | Myth Digital

Why Use React Native Mobile App Development?

Do you like mobile app development projects that give you the flexibility to create cross-platform apps with all the bells and whistles of bespoke native apps, culminating in a high-functioning, efficient result that doesn’t feel like it takes years to produce?

Then you’ll love React Native.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source mobile app development framework, meaning it can be used, modified, and distributed by anyone. Open-source frameworks are good because they’re the product of thousands of developers’ enhancements and improvements. They’re also much more interoperable and flexible than closed-source frameworks meaning you’re not beholden to the whims of one proprietary software company.

React Native was created in 2013 and released in 2015 by Facebook. It was primarily created for cross-platform mobile app development. It was based on, and is powered by, React, a Javascript library and one of the most popular of its time when React Native was created. React Native uses Javascript, one of the most prominent mobile app development languages, to develop natively-rendered apps created on a single codebase.

React Native is an excellent contender for cross-platform app development projects that need to be created efficiently. By using React Native mobile app development, there’s no need to use Java or Swift/Objective C specifically to build apps for Android or iOS respectively. Only one fully functional app needs to be created for successful deployment on both operative systems.

This cuts down on project timescales, mobile app costs, and other associated resources, as there’s no need to recreate the app twice for both operating systems.

If you’re a business owner looking to outsource your mobile app development project, take a look at our articles The Benefits of Mobile App Development for Start-Ups and Transformative Businesses and How Custom Mobile App Development Can Increase Revenue and Brand Awareness.

5 Reasons to Use React Native

1. Cross-Platform Abilities

As we mentioned, one of the primary benefits of using React Native is the ability for developers to use one codebase to create an app that functions on all operating systems.

Developers can create hybrid mobile apps based on ReactJS web apps by simply reusing the same React hooks, component logic, and management. This significantly reduces development lead times.

The way React Native works is by accessing native SDK abilities via a ‘bridge’ on any device and using the device platform’s native UI library to render components. These capabilities give React Native-built apps the same ‘feel’ and level of performance as native apps, with an even richer UI experience than other cross-platform frameworks such as Flutter or Ionic.

In fact, React Native’s UI capabilities are one of the reasons it stands out from other frameworks that aim to have similar benefits. Pre-built, declarative components enable developers to produce unique and exciting UI elements. React mobile app development tools like TouchableOpacity allow you to create your own from scratch.

2. Ease of Use and Availability

As an open-source framework, React Native will always be an accessible framework with a community of thousands of developers actively using it and working together to expand and improve its capabilities.

This also means React Native has a superb support network, and any developer looking for advice, ideas, inspiration, or debate can find it easily. React offers a comprehensive list of the best places for support, including Stack Overflow and forums like r/reactjs/.

Although Javascript is known to require a longer learning time, it’s one of the more prevalent languages for mobile app development (and, in fact, development in general). In a study on the most used cross-platform mobile app frameworks, React Native scored first in 2019 and 2020, only coming second in 2021 to Flutter.

Because of this, professionals who are proficient in React Native for mobile app development are easier to come by than those who specialise in more niche app development tools and software. Thanks to its use of Javascript and standard APIs used to build UI components, React Native is also an easy-to-learn framework for those coming from a web app development background.

Find out the best questions to ask mobile app developers to get the most out of your project, as confirmed by our own development team.

React Native’s ability to take advantage of pre-built components and reusable code to ‘write once, launch everywhere’ also makes it really convenient and easy for developers to use.

The hot reloading functionality of React Native adds to the efficient work process, where developers can make changes in real-time. Hot reloading will patch the code in question and only reload that part of the app, not the app as a whole, speeding up the work progress significantly.

3. Supports Third Party Software

Thanks to its foundations in Javascript, React Native supports third-party plugins. For developers, this is good news. It means they aren’t limited to the plugin library of one specific company. As with the benefits of an open-source framework and cross-platform development, accessing a wider selection of plugins created by a wide range of developers.

Plugins are available as Native modules or Javascript modules. They can be sourced from a wide range of libraries meaning the sky is the limit for the custom functionality of a React Native app.

4. Constantly Evolving and Improving

It’s flexibility, accessibility, and quality have made React Native a favourite in the developer community. The volume of content freely available online today means self-teaching is easy. As the React Native community grows, this also means better capabilities, more functions, and faster problem-solving over time. If you can’t find a way to make something happen with React Native today, there’s a high chance that, in the future, you will—in fact maybe you’ll be responsible for it!

When it does come to fixing bugs and implementing changes, React Native has Javascript to thank. Using Javascript as its primary language means updates can be deployed without needing to go through the app store.

5. Secure, Reliable, and Stable

React Native has one of the best pieces of evidence to its credit as a framework: it was created by Facebook to build the Facebook app. With the success of the Facebook app, many other household name brands have trusted React Native to build high-functioning apps. Here are some examples

  • Uber

  • Netflix

  • Spotify

  • Discord

  • Pinterest

  • Instagram

  • Bloomberg

  • Microsoft Office

See the full showcase of brands using React Native.

The way React Native is built also lends itself to secure development principles. React Native employs a simplified binding strategy to its codebase, meaning developers must modify an object’s state before applying any updates. This is a good practice to ensure all changes are stable.

What’s the difference between React Native and Ionic?

At Myth Digital, one of our frequently asked questions is whether we choose to use React Native or Ionic. Is React Native good for mobile app development, or is it just one of many?

We generally lean towards using React Native, but of course, it always depends on the project. An app made with Ionic can be much faster to develop and will have more of a ‘web app feel’. Although React Native apps will take longer to develop, they come with a more ‘native’ approach, making the best use of the capabilities of the operating systems they are deployed on and having a more noticeable performance boost.

In mobile app development, React Native is our preferred framework, but it’s vital to look at each project on a case-by-case basis to determine the optimal mobile app tech stack. So we’ll ask questions about your budget, timeframes, and business and technical requirements in our discovery session.

Check out our article for help finding the best mobile app developer to work on your project.

Or cut to the chase and book a discovery session with us.